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World without left and right

The question is not to know who is the best. It is not a game. God against the Demon. The man and your shadow. The Sun from east to west. Does not treat about a north.

It is treating globalization from "obvious"as value. Does things from right, macro-right. A right that presents them like it is in its evidence, in your measure to be the saver that right that is representing. The left to right makes the right. The end from the cleavage left and right. Is it the end of political parties? 

The vote settled between world and local assumptions.  How heavy is the balance? Ideologies covered by economics are interesting, and economies that interest by losses of ideologies.

The economy in ideologies of amounting. Low talks more in the hands. Who is interested? Chooses that transform in options[1]. No more choices, only options.

The partisan ideologies are recovered of ruffians and infiltrators, a mix of right/left. A centralized State? A center, and for the way of being neither right and left.

What is the meaning? A separation of camel from wheat. Worship for a centralized State, of an interventionist type. Intervene in the society and economy, persuading society for their game, making the society chasing money a position using any kind of cruelty to reach their interests. It is a mediator from economic might, and the Economy is put as their overseer. Does not is a cult of people that promotes a view of art and culture, is the state aesthetic and beauticians, directing the policies. Is this center that acts with intransigency? One of its facets is to use the messengers (the abstract media) materialized in someone while agent of interest, creating the State non-identified in a vision of a  religion-state from where the cultural manifestation is a form of good-state, acquiescent.

We can see the religious acts in the public spaces, the art exposed like a social goodness, and it is stuffed by a dominated and subjected public believer. Is asserted by associationism with coalition - like it were by hidden fascist organizations. They act imposing and deconstruction of the social order and their values, and to mischaracterize the hero, to deconstruct leaders, anyone that be by the interests of the State-conception through what they call justice. The Justice from the State is the State justification.

The government from center is in equivalency a fix right? 

To maintain fixed, the centralized government - the right might - become necessary to eliminate the party unionism, but not the syndicates and their unionists. Unionism became associationism to preserve the ideal of security, of fighting for workers welfare, and, therefore, to defeat the group which belongs for a better society with autonomy of the organization.

It is a entorse, rotated on itself, in that appropriate of the "thinking" of a global mode the human situation. It has a humanistic way, and, by the other sider, is an umbilical act, a border subscript of its characteristics.

What happened or happened? The State apparatus, in maintaining its economic hegemony, integrates private and public groups, with the  international or global lateral organizations[2], with great capital interest - a floating capital[3]. It makes a bricolage from those interests evaluated. So, devolve to the structures of that governments and private businesses what they want.

It is a pasteurization of moral sense, of human values, of human culture and cultures turning that in direction of monetary results. The use of others, the mechanics vision of production, the creation embarked into a coalition of interests, a proprietary or business value, or still more a place opens to exploration.

The packaged and non packaged pasteurized art and culture change the singularity sense like someone for constructing effects, an aestheticism, a normative for evaluating what is art and what from a silent normative to uniformity of centralized State.

A grup organization called State which is anti party, deconstructor of ideologies having the pretended mediator as a Center Party, a kind of free blackmail, a swallower of differences, a regulator that eating the variability of thinking constellations, a black hole in that magnitude from such pressure that in time to explode and pulverize, atomize, to dispense or eliminate anyone who, in their entrails from a country to be contrary.

Which is that structure?

It is made of sheaves and amounts that construct the fascism. It is related to by others in a mess of things one another that make it easy to carry for where that it be. It is the group equality, the standardization and homogenization in a team. It is a structure that eliminates leaders and imposes group interests. However is a thinking segmentation, no critic, an incoherency collectivized that fed from void, it is safe.

Now we could think about what happens with academic thinking, the university as an institution. The problem and method are persecuted with a strict line in a shallow depth in many cases, and a generalization contained, uncritical. The argumentations are ideologic and co-opted by interest, favors, economics, a moral border, a care for not hitting a powerful target named.

Treating about that we not view what is the question in its integrity and  do not knowing what to do. A government without face, using an avatar to move public affairs, a charismatic or populist in that appear to be negative or positive, whatever. The system in bricolage gives its continuity, a maneuver through legality and justification or Just-alliancetion of the knowledge. Knowledge like materiality, a product, merchandising like something that is on sale. 

All people surveillanced, watched if they follow the script, the academic concepts are taken to be accomplished, followed like it is due be. The race, origin, the sense of be a woman - in many qualification and theory -, to be latin from a country and culture, if the concept embraces other characteristics and with scientific validation, if belongs to Europe culture, if is segmented for choice or options, if is black people, Arab or Indian, a stranger, of different way of life  and if participate of social movement, if came from a liberal or not liberal party, if is socialist, communist, anarchist, anyone need of a identification to put in the feudal algorithm. Those who do not fill the form - politic , religious,  conceptual, and academic - is an evil agent.

The group vigilance is made in order to constitute an arrangement in which those who emerge, by example in a classroom, are cut. 

Is impressive that a revolt like life and world, a terror and terrorism in education seeks to punish only the guilt. A crime in school certainly deserves to be punished. However, the general  structure of competitive, violent, inhuman, persuasive and technicist  teaching and learning in the whole world does not change.

We knew about many pedagogic experience process of teaching, opens school, of socialization, education through of collective work, of practical coexistence,  with laboral practices, peripatetic and maieutic, omni lateral relations, integration by project, creative development, sharing knowledges of interactionism and socialization and many others, but the generality dominative of a meaning of education has a normative etiquette, a moral practice bond with success, an ambivalent structure diachronic, made of schedule and forms, bureaucracy, domination creating individualist atmosphere, evasive and conceptual-ideological, putting a heavy on heads in that the future does not start in the present, the future is the present. A life of learning of an abstraction where the reality is not an ethical possibility, if not a world of options among things, pleasure where the other is a thing too. The thingification and recuperation of a position at any cost, a reification.

A force without movement however move without force, a numeric measure of a behavior, where the influence of medium in a persuasive constance says who someone is, until where he can arrive, a soul materialized into a thing, a thing with soul, an intangible energy disposes in a tangible silenced organic structure, many times already to useful.    

An education from that nature does not have measure, a size for any soul, does not constitute a singularity. It maintains in a group of forces, in an apparent natural geometry in a territory dominated, a geometry from the individual soul, abstract like a Plato solid to maintain in way arranged.

In the past any opinion filtered, a way of being, a smile to more, a word said without concession, a position taken in front of an apparent notoriety subject caused a problem in life from those who emitted that. That situation came from an ideology in that the tradition, moral hierarchy or the might it was the land and what lived on that land, and it wanted to say that a person was the property in a set of things and what this person was doing it was the responsibility of the landlord. Nothing changes from one day to the other, the habits, mores, social cultures, the stratification or division of the power in the world of owners of ground.

The political system is the same if we think about persecution, criminal groups, associationists by interest, gain in cause, by advantage. The culturalism, domination for conquest, persuasion system, co-option, and structuring influence by and sell, a formation relegated to marketing life, instrumental, to be an ideologized people like a consumer.  

It is the angle methodology for using the yes or not imposing disposition to attract the population to judge the differences. It was what happened with the designative assembly that elected one to elect another. Conjugation of right by representation, college representation, a democracy by opinion conditioned to will hide from others. In the set is elected any third. That election for third being by end, subordinative-participants and serves to define the waited, the unification by confirmation of an authority that determines a policy. It is the position imposed by the tradition, the wisdom choices, a soviet from economic demand, with a perception, to be validated in that conjunction, by lack - reason basis of economic reality. However this happened in olds times, today democracy is in doubt at the period of the legitimation.

The greater the lack, the greater legitimacy? The lack is the legitimation that causes a legitimized guarantee: the demand. It is called publicizing the rule of lack. How much we provoke the lack of life of another, better to us.

It appears to be cynical and cruel, if we imagine a kind of guaranteed advantage in the group, each element in its plural-uniqueness is known as homo-oportunos, the human created and educated by a life of oportunismus[4].

The programmed meritocracy to group? Those who are organized are those who have the priority, they have a certain distinction in their obedient uniformity of behavior concerning a reproductive and moralist thinking. 

Therefore the constant seeks to produce the lack of putting each one in your time, building the ideology of complementarity - it is because nothing is sufficiently good. The complementarity is like an infinity puzzle in that we know how the gestalt background figure - the psyche guilt recognized in advance - fits the secondary and fenced of group order. The group law is not the same as people law.

Each happening thrown on time is evaluated. Thus like what happened tragic from history is commemorative of a way persuasive from an evil conscientiousness. To remember a person as a social character, a value, a persuasion to the social good. But it is also a manufactured thing, like remember the invasion of a country, destruction of a city, the cruelty committed in the name of civilization, like a flag in a master in a park, or the national holiday, the beautiful uniform with medals of soldiers trained to kill, a day of silence other for cry the dead.

It treats conjugation: from a side the separation between those who are called national - a bureaucracy emerges -. and the danger of the stranger - a new colonization happens. A wall of segregation and separation in name of a social defense, the armament and political declaration from a politician about the importance of  safety - the power of police of investigation, of control, etc. And treating that like it was the right of liberty.

There are so many other "liberties" that are known from that conjunction, designing the men free - with the right to be free (national citizen, etc.). There is an introduction of "types" of liberty and to no liberty.

To be free in a world menaced and living on the yoke of corruption, the great dictatorial order, it makes the subject like an individualist-consumer, menace by conjunctive determination from the word "free". It is the void question, the lack which is needed in that group interweave (sheave) to realize the complement. A new concept, maybe? The path of no return of the new right, it is a reformed right in the agreed interest of internationalizing that rules, forms, ways, of defending businesses, interests, the capital, and not people? An open world in which the meaning of government lost the first meaning: to lead a nation, a people in toward welfare. The government opens your fridge and drinks your beer and fines you if it is not to your liking. As for your taste, well, that's a matter of legal and not personal interest.

What we could think about the freedom at democracy is bond with our intent of share knowledge, enjoy the life, avoiding of persecution, living in fugue against the evil, treating of learning and teach values that can be transformed. We need to believe in a new world where conscientiousness results from interactional and relational social life where the discovery of yourself is at same time the discovery of the another.

Does not is enough to read a book like a manual, a technique to utility, is necessary jump on unknown, reading like we could be the writer from the book that we are reading. 

[1] Polemicizing, to choose meaning, to be like a field-man of thinking, to plant after reap. And options are define in an opposition to actions from that it would be part and that, by refusing to participate and that, to denying appointment that or there.

[2] Great groups that are called social minorities.

[3] They are associations, government groups, public/private, NGOs, among others.

[4] One among many to receive the ticket from advantage, in the guarantee of reaching your interests. It participates from a group whose someone gives a job. Then to enter in the game where follow wins, obeys for will be awarded.


ORCID Pedro Moreira da Silva Neto

Pedro Moreira Nt

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